Principal Message

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" A well educated, will always have more questions than answers"-- Helen Keller

Aim of education is primarily to inculcate the quality of inquistiveness which encourages the children to break the mundane and bring the best out of them and make them ready to face challenges of the world. We, at NKM Lions Public School follow the principle "Explore, Exercise and Achieve" therefore, we provide a platform to every child for  experiental learning, group exploration and building project with the use of available resource to achieve therir individual goals.

We promote active learning which focuses more on students than on teacher's delivery of subject content. There is an active engagement of the student with material  and self learning which helps them emerge with improved critical thinking skills, increased retention and absorption of new information, increased motivation, better interpersonal skills, tremendous drive, tremendous drive, quick problem solving abilities, high inquisitiveness and passionate love for learning something new.

Classrooms encourage enotional well-being creating an atmosphere for both learning and emotional development. Our teachers establish a classroom environment that is favorable for helping each student and work cooperatively  in order to learn. Besides, an atmosphere of mutual respect is also provided in the classroom where students feel relaxed in asking questions and expressing their thoughts and feeling. At the core of School's educational philoso[phy, modern education and cultural heritage are complimentary and help the students to become good human beings and responsible global citizens. We inculcate respect for Indian culture and diversity in the students.

We are very gratefull to our parents for their sincere involvement in the school.Without their single minded so-operation between the school and home we cannot offer the holistic education towards which we are striving.

Mr.Deepak Jaiswal
